The Association “Centenaire pour la paix”
It was created in May 2014 in order to promote the commemorating local events of the first World War, with the prospect of educating to peace and of understanding the historical, cultu- ral and spiritual impacts of that conflict.
One of the most important missions of the association is to create links between the territories involved in that war. That is why a huge international meeting will take place in April 2018.
A lot of partners are joining us : the City of Arras, the Catholic dioceses of the North of France, the Anglican diocese of Can- terbury, Pax Christi international, the Catholic university of Lille, the Desmond Tutu Centre of the Liverpool Hope Univer- sity, the Schönstatt Movement (Germany), the Catholic tea- ching organisation and a lot of other movements and associations (Amnesty International, Acat (Catholic Association for the Abolition of Torture) etc.